Eye on the App Store: Boom Beach, Flashout 2, Little Big Adventure, and more

By , on March 26, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

It’s the middle of the week!

You know what that means - Snowden’s favourite spies are back to give you your weekly injection of Eye on the App Store, going live today at 5pm GMT / 9am PST over on the AppSpy Twitch channel.

Most of the games we’ll be covering will go live on the App Store at midnight tonight, so come get a heads-up on which games will suit your delicate taste buds before they’re locked to your iTunes account forever.

Watch us grind up the walls something awful in Flashout 2, a futuristic racer heavily inspired by Sony’s WipEout series.

Cult classic Little Big Adventure is alive and well on iOS almost 20 years after its initial PC release (apologies, didn’t mean to make you feel old there folks). We’ll be seeing if it’s still up to snuff.

Expect us to break out some of our finest robo-boogie moves for robotic puzzler Clarc, which has graciously made its way over to iOS after a spell on Ouya.

We’ll also be covering the prologue puzzler to the Forever Lost series, Cabin Escape: Alice's Story, as well as a dash of the spiritual successor of Clash of Clans, Boom Beach.

Join us live and chip in with any questions, comments or jibes you’ve been saving up. We don’t mind. Just remember, spies or not, we are people too.

Catch the stream live on AppSpy's Twitch channel, or via the embedded links below.

Watch live video from AppSpy on www.twitch.tv