Escher-inspired puzzle game Monument Valley will be turning heads this Thursday

By , on March 31, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

When the first trailer for Monument Valley was released back in December, its topsy-turvy gameplay and Escher art style turned our heads in more ways than one.

Now, developer ustwo has confirmed that beautiful puzzler will be hitting the App Store this Thursday.

In the game, you take control of a little girl named Aida who is looking for forgiveness. You must lead her to the top of a series of towers by manipulating the environment itself, moving platforms and re-positioning objects to clear a path to the exit.

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As you can see from the video above, Monument Valley is a gorgeous looking game, realising a world which is as aesthetically pleasing as it is mathematically precise.

Keep your eye on AppSpy for our hands-on video, and check back for the review when the game is released later this week.