The Puzzle & Dragons and Ragnarok Odyssey Ace crossover has begun

By , on April 1, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 10 months ago

Match-three RPG phenomenon Puzzle & Dragons has just begun a brief crossover with Ragnarok Odyssey Ace.

This union of franchises will give all Puzzle & Dragons fans the chance to add characters from the PS Vita RPG Ragnarok Odyssey Ace onto their monster hunting team. Expect heroes Marin, Angeling, Develing, and Grendel to make an appearance over the next couple of days.

The uber successful Puzzle & Dragons - which has been download 32 million times worldwide - will also be visited by Cathy Crazy from Freak Tower, and Kite, Jell's Angel, and Balloons Penguins from Princess Punt.

According to Siliconera, these crossovers will expire on April 6th, so you'll need to update your app soon if you want to get involved.

You can download Puzzle & Dragons for free right now.

[App Store link]

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