Sneaky platformer Stealth Inc. currently on sale on the App Store

By , on April 1, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 11 months ago

Curve Digital Games fantastically sneaky platformer Stealth Inc. has just had it price slashed, meaning you can now steal a copy for just 99p / 99c.

Guiding a tiny clone around a lethal laboratory maze of death, your only goals in Stealth Inc. are to survive and escape. Leaping and sneaking through each levels’ various puzzles, you will have to stick to the shadows as you deactivate all the traps and avoid traps on your way to the exit.

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It is challenging fun,as the ingenious puzzles require a blend of insight and experimentation to solve.

Luckily, the game’s impressive art direction means that you have all the information you need to solve each challenge. This extended from the minimal HUD to your little clone’s goggles, which change colour to show whether you are safely cloaked in the shadows or not.

Our only complaint about Stealth Inc. was it’s controls, which aren't quite as tight as its PC and console siblings. However, at the newly reduced price of 99p / 99c - down from £2.99 / $4.99 - there's no reason not to sneak out a grab it.

[App Store link]