Glowforth to release chilly platform adventure Last Inua as soon as April 23rd

By , on April 8, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

Glowforth will release their debut title Last Inua on the App Store in a couple of weeks.

Last Inua is a platform adventure in which you take control of an Inuit father and son duo - Ataataq and Hiko respectively - who are on a quest to save the world.

You see, their world of the mythical North is under attack by the ancient demon Tonrar. And, as it transpires, Hiko, a boy gifted with supernatural powers, may be the only one who can save it.

These abilities allow Hiko to turn into a ball of light to follow a set path through the air. He can also create a path of light which allows him and his father to easily navigate difficult, or non-existant, terrain.

It is up to Ataataq, then, to protect his son as they run, jump, and solve puzzles on their journey to save this frozen land.

According to sister site Pocket Gamer, this journey will begin soon, with the game due to hit the App Store on "roughly April 23rd". When it does land, it'll set you back you £2.49 / $3.99.