Endless-run-and-gunner John Mad Run is available for free on the App Store

By , on April 10, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 10 months ago

Happymagenta’s new endless runner John Mad Run has just dashed onto iPhone and iPad.

You take control of John as he runs for his life through a series of industrial levels. John is wanted dead, not alive, so you'll have to slice, shoot, and burn your attackers without remorse if you want to survive.

As the trailer below shows, John Mad Run follows fairly a standard endless-runner formula. You must jump between three paths, avoiding or killing enemies as you see fit.

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Footsoldiers are occasionally accompanies by larger enemies such as tanks, so you'll need to rifle through your arsenal to find something sturdy enough to blow the tracks off a Panzer.

If that sounds like your particular clip of ammunition, you can run out and grab John Mad Run from the App Store for free right now.

[App Store link]