Epidemic sim Plague Inc. gets new scenarios and difficulty mode

By , on April 23, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 10 months ago

Plague Inc.’s latest "Mega" update adds four new scenarios, and an additional Mega-Brutal difficulty mode, to the game's disease-ridden playground.

The new difficulty level brings the game’s hardest challenge yet. Random medical checks will now be in place, along with research and tech improvements, to fight your attempts to infect the globe. This will require you to constantly adapt your disease if it's to stand a chance of successfully eradicating humanity.

To further test the resilience of your illness, Plague Inc.’s four new scenarios will have you facing a host of challenges. These include trying to adapt and survive in a world of artificial organs, and even trying resurrect a 30,000 year old virus.

To help level the playing field in your battle against modern medical technology, the update also brings with it three new mutations.

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Plague Inc. fans can download the "Mega" update now for free. If you haven't played it yet, then you can infect your iPhone and iPad now for 69p / 99c.

[App Store link]