Icy platformer Last Inua will be sliding onto the App Store later tonight

By , on May 7, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

Glowforth’s chilling début title Last Inua is coming to the App Store at midnight tonight.

In this icy puzzle platformer, you take control of two Inuit heroes as they try to save their snow-covered home from the demon Tonrar.

The pair of frostbitten adventurers are actually father and son duo Ataataq and Hiko, and they must work together if they hope to succeed. Luckily, Hiko is blessed with magical powers that allow him to create paths of light to aid his father in navigating the slippery world, and help solve the game's various puzzles.

While Hiko can utilise mystical powers, father Ataataq's unique traits are far more down-to-earth. Rather than casting spells, he can climb walls use his ice-axes and utilise his strength to shift huge blocks of ice around the levels.

As the video below shows, Last Inua looks beautiful, with its haunting visuals lending a real sense of atmosphere to the treacherous, frozen world.

Last Inua will be released on the App Store at midnight for £2.49 / $3.99.