Expansive 3D RPG The Shadow Sun gets hefty price reduction

By , on May 12, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

Developer Ossian Studios has sliced the price of its fantasy RPG The Shadow Sun by more than half.

The Shadow Sun has you controlling your hero from a third-person perspective through a 3D world. There are ten hours of story to quest your way through, made up of 70 different areas, all filled with their own dangers and secrets.

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The Shadow Sun takes clear inspiration from other Western-styled fantasy RPGs. This should come as no surprise considering it was developed by industry veterans whose collective works include contributions to Neverwinter Nights, Baldur’s Gate, and The Witcher.

The limited time sale has cut The Shadow Sun's price from £5.49 / $7.99 to £1.99 / $2.99. So, if these medieval adventures sound like your mug of mead, you should probably grab it from the App Store pronto.

[App Store link]