Tile-matching puzzler Darkin aims to chill as well as thrill

By , on May 16, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

Developer Ten Foiled Hats has just released its vampiric match-three puzzler Darkin on iPhone and iPad.

Ostensibly taking inspiration from Dungeon Raid, the German dev team has taken Fireflame's classic and updated it with several new features, a new aesthetic from the Tim Burton stable of kooky, and a little more polish.

It's an interesting entry in the slew of match-three currently clogging up the App Store. When we looked at it on Twitch, we noted it had far more flexibility and strategic gameplay than other match-three games, with an interesting Puzzle & Dragons-esque feel and a health-system standing in for timers.

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Players can choose between attacking enemies, bagging hearts to replenish health, or collecting coins to buy new powers.

There are buffs and special abilities to beef up the game mechanics, with campaign approach to building your character, letting you level-up and unlock new features and abilities across multiple sessions.

With solid gameplay, an attractive art style, dark sense of humour, and a lively soundtrack, Darkin is out now on the App Store for iPhone and iPad, at £1.99 / $2.99.