Hands-on with Splot, the bouncy, alien-infested platformer

By , on June 23, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 8 months ago

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Another unreleased game we got our hands-on at Pocket Gamer Connects is Splot, a colourful and bouncy platformer for iPhone and iPad.

As you can see from the video above, this game involves guiding a charismatic alien blob around the screen. The aim is to save the birds scattered around each environment, while racing a big black blob to the finish line.

As well as inflating himself to beach ball-like proportions to propel himself across gaps and between platforms, Splot can also slide down vertical surfaces to avoid dropping onto hazards like rotating buzzsaws.

Splot should bounce onto iPhone and iPad this summer. In the meantime, take a look at our hands-on video.