Plants vs Zombies 2 gets medieval with the first Dark Ages update

By , on June 25, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 8 months ago

PopCap is sending Plants vs Zombies 2 back to days of yore with its new Dark Ages Part 1 update.

These new levels take place at night. With no sun to help your plants grow you are forced rely on shine-creating flora like the Sun-shroom, the Puff-shroom (which costs nothing to grow), and a host of other new night loving plants.

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Gravestones have also been added to levels. These creepy monoliths can be smashed to give sunshine or plant food bonuses.

Don't get too excited about your beefed up abourial arsenal, however, because the zombies have also had their numbers bolstered.

An undead peasant zombie has taken its place among the shambling masses, while the medieval Gargantuar’s hulking form promises to give your plants a run for their money.

Plants vs Zombies 2 is free on the App Store, with the Dark Ages Part 1 available to download in-app. Given the update’s name, you can also be sure we shall be keeping a close eye out for news of a Part 2 sometime in the future.

[App Store link]