Rush Horizon looks like Out Run and Temple Run in one sun-soaked racing package

By , on June 27, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

I'm a sucker for Out Run, and I love me a bit of Temple Run. Sometimes I cry myself to sleep at night knowing that I can't play both games at the same time.

Rush Horizon looks like it may save me from having more tear-soaked sleepytimes.

The game is in development by Game Juice, a South Korean team of three that are looking to blend classic arcade racing with modern endless running.

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Featuring touchscreen and tilt controls, 10 sports cars, other vehicles and obstacles to dodge, lots of upgrades to unlock, and a continuous transcontinental race across coastal areas, cities, deserts, valleys, and more, it sounds like there's plenty in here to be getting on with.

I'm quite excited to see how this one turns out. Scheduled to be released in July / August on iPhone and iPad, I won't have long to wait.