Plague Inc. to receive Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update

By , on July 4, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

Ndemic Creations superb viral outbreak simulator Plague Inc. is about to receive another update, this time featuring content from Dawn of the Planet of the Apes.

The simian flu featured in the movie kills humans, while also making apes smarter. This disease adds a new layer to the plague-spreading gameplay, because - on top of trying to keep the virus one step ahead of a cure - you will also be able to actively sabotage mankind's efforts to stop it by guiding your new primate pals.

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Communicating with your superior-simian friends as they spread the disease, you can guide them to smash research labs or keep them safe from detection while you try to crown them the new rulers of the planet.

Developer of Plague Inc. James Vaughan feels that this tie-in is quite fitting because Rise of the Planet of the Apes’s end credits gave him inspiration for some of the original game.

Plague Inc. is currently 99p / 99c on the App Store, and you can expect the Dawn of the Planet of the Apes update to be infecting it soon.

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Source: Pocket Gamer