Alphabeats is dropping rhythm-based word puzzles on the App Store now

By , on July 10, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 7 months ago

Alphabeats is new music-inspired word-puzzler from Red Dragon, and is now available on iPhone and iPad.

Alphabeats mixes Scrabble with Guitar Hero, asking you to create words from letters that appear in time to music. To create a word you must drag your collection of letters around the bottom of the screen, trying to collect the next letter in sequence while avoiding unwanted ones.

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With the audio playing a key role, it makes sense that developer Red Dragon has searched for the right music to suit the game. They seem to have had a clear vision in what they wanted, with the soundtrack supplied by a number of electro / chiptune artists including Big Giant Circles, ABXY, and Disasterpeace.

The predominantly dark blue screen flashes with neon from the pulsating lines and letters. It's a stylish design that compliments the electro soundtrack well, without interfering with your spelling.

If spelling and syncopation are your thing, then you can check out Alphabeats on the App Store, where it can be downloaded for £1.49 / $1.99.

[App Store link]