Hearthstone Naxxramas second wing The Plague Quarter out now for iPad

By , on July 30, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 6 months ago

The second wing of Hearthstone's Curse of Naxxramas DLC series, titled The Plague Quarter, is now available on iPad.

The second of five seperate patches - or 'wings' - which will make-up the complete Naxxramas update, this update adds three new bosses to defeat: Heigan, Loatheb, and Noth.

Those who purchase the update will also gain access to four new cards: Stoneskin Gargoyle, Unstable Ghoul, Sludge Belcher, and Loatheb.

These bosses and cards bring with them some new challeges and modes, including Heroic Difficulty mode.

If you want to see what the first wing of the Naxxramas campaign looks like in action, then check out our hands-on video below. You can still download this episode for free, incidentally, so we suggest you grab it before the four week offer window closes.

However, if you're looking for a new challenge, you can download The Plague Quarter for £4.99 / $6.99 now. Alternatively, you can pay using 700 in-game gold.

[App Store link]

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