There's a brand new ad for the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus talking about how it's got that fancy new chip in it, and how games will look better than ever on it. It highlights the rather wonderful looking Vainglory, as Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake get ever-deeper into the complexities of the new MOBA's gameplay, for comedic effect.
And you know what? It's a very good advert.
We do all sometimes get obsessed by the nuances of our games, and I love that mobile gaming has reached a point where they're complex, rich, and detailed enough that people can get obsessed by those nuances, whether it's Vainglory, or The Sailor's Dream, or Clash of Clans, or whatever else it is you love to take with you and play anywhere in the world.
So nice work Apple, you just brightened up my day a little.