Trivia Crack Kingdoms is both a game and an education tool on iOS and Android right now

By , on October 20, 2015
Last modified 9 years, 4 months ago

Trivia Crack Kingdoms is a sequel to the chart-topping Trivia Crack and it is expected to radically change the relationship between brands and video games.

Make no mistake - this is still an incredibly fun trivia game. The difference here comes with the removal of the pinwheel and the addition of its replacement, trivia channels, which can be chosen or created depending on your interests.

Institutions like colleges can take advantage of this by creating their own channels to educate their students so it's a full-blown education tool as well as a fun game.

These changes also allow brands and organisations to better keep you up to date with their new products and their work.

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You'll be given the opportunity to check out a brand's apps and social media networks between rounds on their channels and even actively help out organisations like Greenpeace, International Red Cross, and Endeavour, among others.

Trivia Crack Kingdoms is a game, and both an educational and mobile communications tool all rolled into one.

With Trivia Crack Channels, you will be abl choose what categories you want to play.

If you love Music, follow the Music Channel, by iHeartRadio, or The Big Bang Theory, if you know all about your favourite TV series.

If your passion are Sports, you can choose to play at the Sports Illustrated Channel, among a huge sort of categories.

You can get it right now on Google Play [download].

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