Cult Korean horror White Day out now on the App Store and Google Play

By , on March 17, 2016
Last modified 8 years, 11 months ago

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Do you like your extreme horror games filled with Asian Motifs, brilliant gameplay mechanics, and finished off with a level of polish that outshines even some console games? Well how about taking a closer look at White Day: A Labyrinth Called School.

It’s a mobile remake of a South Korean game of the same name that first came out in 2001 and has gained something of a cult following in the US, the UK, and Canada.

One YouTuber has gone as far as to say that it’s a game that you “would never regret playing.”

That’s pretty high praise indeed. But White Day backs it up with the sort of gameplay mechanics that are likely to have you on the edge of your seat throughout.

And if you needed even more incentive to play it, you can pick it up for half price right now on the Google Play Store and the App Store. Yup, until the 20th March you can pick up this classic slice of horror for 50% less.

As well as this mobile port, a PlayStation VR version is scheduled for development in the second half of 2016. Y’know, if the iOS and Android versions aren’t terrifying enough for you.

If you want to find out more about the game, or get involved in White Day: A Labyrinth Called School’s growing community, then its Facebook  and Instagram pages are a great place to start. Head there for events, fan art, cosplay, and more.

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