Challenge foes online and discover new treasures in MU Origin’s huge new update

By , on February 21, 2017
Last modified 8 years ago

MU Origin, the highly successful fantasy MMORPG from Webzen looks set to continue impressing players this February with its latest update, finally adding the long sought after Server Arena, an intuitive Guardian Soul System, The curious Muren’s Book, and much more.

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This latest update allows players to prove online that they’re the best warrior, now giving them the ability to participate across PVP servers in the Server Arena when exerting dominance. Whether it’s power, honour, or merely blood you’re fighting for, you can now do so in competitive real time via PVP.

MU Origin’s latest update doesn’t just tinker behind the scenes but in front also, adding even more narrative experiences for people to check out. Whether it’s the ghostly Muren’s Book which just begs you to unlock its mysteries or the new ‘Treasure Cave’ dungeon which can be accessed via the game’s frightening Endless Tower mode, players will be able to feed their Guardian Soul in no time at all.

MU Origin’s previous level cap has now also been substantially raised in Update 1.6, adding in a new title system to the game to let players boost their character tributes far beyond what was originally possible. Intuitive buffs and other helpful effects act as the perfect way to forge your destiny in the land of MU.

Those who make use of MU Origin’s colossal new update between 21 and 28 February will receive a superior fame badge and title, so be quick and check it out on either iOS or Android platforms from today.

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