Latest MU Origin update empowers pets with evolutionary skills

By , on October 27, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 4 months ago

As the autumnal conkers are dropping from the trees, publisher Webzen is dropping yet another update to its groundbreaking MMORPG MU Origin. This time, there’s a battle royale, temple blessings and pet perks to play with.

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First to mention is the addition of a pet skill system. This is available if you’ve completed the Faith War quest, and applicable to all pets level thirty and above. You can unlock and upgrade skill slots, with a maximum of four for a fully levelled pet. The skills themselves are useful defensive, passive and offensive effects that come in three grades – Magic, Rare and Epic. They can also be upgraded using Elemental Stones, so you can now supe up your pets to the nth degree.

The aforementioned battle royale is also something to smile about if you’re in the top one hundred players. The best fighters across all servers can join the Ragnarok tournament once a month between the 10th and the 16th, 3.30pm to 4.30pm server time for a battle to the death. The winner nabs the MU Origin No.1 title for their players, but all participants are compensated with Ragnarok points for competing. These points can be spent in the Ragnarok shop, so it’s worth taking part if only for the extra gear you can buy.

The final major addition is the Guild Temple. If you’re part of a guild, you can spend resources on upgrading your dedicated temple and receive stat bonuses. This along with the guild level cap raise from eight to ten means you can become an even tougher team of warriors.

A couple of other small scale changes include a Cry Wolf statue erected in Lorencia and a new area of the map called Elveland for those 11 Rebirth and over to explore. You can bet Webzen has more planned, so it’s a good time to join the fray by downloading MU Origin on Android and iOS.

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