If Deliria passed you by, here’s what you’re missing

By , on November 22, 2017
Last modified 7 years, 3 months ago

Malaysian developer Eldritch Games released its own little sci-fi adventure earlier this year. But, like a cloaked spaceship covertly spying on Earth, it probably flew under your radar. Here's what to expect from 2D side-scroller Deliria.

Set in 2107 following Earth's devastation by an asteroid, you step into the shoes of an interdimensional overseer. It's your task to establish the base camp for a mining operation on Dimension LG7 in order to harvest Delirium, an element with unknown power.

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You're not the first to try, though, as you'll discover if you collect the scattered diary logs. Waking from stasis on the alien planet, you discover most of your crew has gone missing, and some malevolent creatures are exploiting a dimensional tear to form an unwelcoming party for you. Uh oh.

Surviving in Deliria involves using the resources at your disposal to build and upgrade the defences of your base. You'll also need to hire mercenaries to fend off monsters directly. You can play the hero by healing those injured in battle, and rescue your wayward colleagues along the way, too.

As you traverse the eerie terrain of this foreign dimension, you'll encounter ghoulish aliens and the odd boss-sized foe, and harness dark powers to aid your survival.

The game features colourful, hand-drawn graphics, and is brief enough to complete in a single weekend. So touch down on Dimension LG7, save your lost crew members and defend your base from attack by downloading Deliria from the App Store or Google Play. At only 2 dollars it's an absolute steal.

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