Little Things® Forever Review
Some may remember KLICKTOCK for their recent and delightfully addictive time-waster 'ZONR', but those who own an iPad may remember them nest for something else entirely, 'Little Things'. Now after almost two years the sequel has finally arrived and adds polishes an already fun concept, albeit without adding to the game's basic formula. 'Blasphemy!' I hear you cry, but spare a thought for the iPhone gamer who has only been able to watch while iPad owners have enjoyed one of the best ey…
Watch The Video ReviewDoodle Find™ Review
If you hadn't already noticed, 'Doodle' has been a category located at the top of the App Store game page for a while now and it's simply incredible to think about just how popular a graphical style can get to warrant such a prime location. Doodle Find by KLICKTOCK seems at first like a minor graphical change from their previous title Super Search 60, but a host of fixes and gameplay updates have accompanied their new game, making this an incredible addictive item-search title. Once y…
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