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Cthulhu Saves the World Review

Review TinkerHouse Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 6 months ago
Cthulhu Saves the World Review

It has taken two years since first appearing on the XBLIG store, but Zeboyd's Cthulhu Saves the World has finally dropped on to iOS devices thanks to TinkerHouse Games. In an effort to keep the game as in-tact as possible, the controls are the only major change made to the game, though fans of this retro-RPG love letter will have no problem jumping in and causing havoc all over again. For those not familiar with this JRPG-ish title, you play as Cthulhu, the Lovecraftian terror…

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Current Review

Review TinkerHouse Games By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 7 months ago
Current Review

We've all played one game or another within the 'three-match' genre, be it something as iconic as Bejewelled or a little more abstract like Puzzle Bobble and their popularity resulted in the App Store (over)reacting accordingly. Over time the flood of copy-cats reached an equilibrium, leaving only the giants of the App Store as they stood on the backs of those who perished. The unique way in which these games explored a simple concept helped to contribute to their survival and Current…

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Cthulhu Saves The World

Cthulhu Saves The World $1.99

App 1.1

The Airhornsman

The Airhornsman $0.99

App 1.1