Lux DLX 2 Review

By , on July 1, 2009

Lux DLX 3 - Map Conquest Game
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Pass-the-phone multiplayer ability.
  • Custom AI levels.


  • Custom maps tend to feel extremely unbalanced or ill-considered.


With board games being so popular as game apps for the iPhone, it's not unlikely that a licensed version of the game will eventually appear. If you're a fan that prefers to keep his game pure, you may want to wait for that day, but in the meanwhile Lux DLX is a strong competitor.

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  • App Store Info

Board games are a booming field for game developers on the iPhone and it's easy to see why, with the ability to essentially "pass the phone" between players you eliminate the fuss and hassle of setting up a game with dozens, if not hundreds of pieces. Lux DLX by Sillysoft Games attempts and succeeds at being a clone of the popular board game Risk while saving you from shifting around the extraordinary amount of tokens and dice required for each game.

The game's controls are its only real weak point as players will probably need to zoom in on the map (via a pinch) to accurately select the correct army for movement. It's not uncommon to accidentally drop a new army recruit in to the wrong zone and for those familiar with Risk, that can be a decisive and deadly mistake. All decisions are final, so tap with caution.

Each of the five initial "boards" available for use vary in their layout and feel for gameplay. You will find it somewhat hard to pinpoint all the available zones on boards that aren't based on geography (the lines and art tend to be confusing), so it's worth keeping that in mind when using the ability to download custom maps. For those who are more strategically inclined, you may want to avoid the custom maps due to their inherent lack of play-tested balance.

If you're a fan of Risk and similar strategy board games you'll find Lux DLX to be the perfect pocket companion.


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