Infinite Warrior Review

By , on September 17, 2012

Infinite Warrior
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3 out of 5


  • Slick combat animations; sadly they're non-interactive.
  • Unique blend of endless, swipe-combat and rhythm gameplay elements.


  • Swipe recognition occasionally fails; adds a random failure element to each round.
  • No real sense of achievement; unlocking new areas and content only serve to continue unlocking content - gameplay doesn't change.


The Infinite Warrior may live forever, making his task one of time and not strategy, but the game lacks a sense of connection to what's happening, making it a dull and repetitive chore to play.

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'Endless' auto-runners are once again in their heyday on the App Store, but those paying attention won't have missed the distinct swerve towards Infinity Blade's swipe'em-up combat. Infinite Warrior by Empty Flask Games takes a bite of inspiration from both, mixed with a dash of rhythm gameplay, to create something that sounds potentially exciting, but in practice falls flat.

You, as the eponymous Infinite Warrior, find yourself swiping the screen to match on-screen cues in order to unleash brutal, murderous justice against the evil hordes set against you. If an arrow points right, you'll need to swipe right as fast as you can so you don't fall over and die; get it right and you're treated to a detailed animation sequence where your warrior violently tears through the soldier.

And that's about all there is to it. The disconnect between your actions and their result is already distancing enough as the killing blow is often arbitrary in its execution. Aside from this you're left looking for reasons to remain distracted, be it tapping on crows or items scattered in the background to earn gold.

Gold, predictably, goes towards items to upgrade your warrior, though they're not all permanent. Body armor will decrease the number of blows required to reach a 'frenzy' score multiplier, but weapons and helmets will only exist until your next game ends.

There are new areas to unlock, as well as achievements to complete, but aside from a change in scenery and more gold, what you experience in the first 10 minutes sets the unchanging tone for the rest of your play time.

Infinite Warrior is a deliciously unique concept, but its beauty is skin deep and hard to recommend.


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