James Cameron's Avatar Review

By , on December 17, 2009

James Cameron's Avatar
  • Publisher: Gameloft
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Released: 14 Dec, 2009
  • Size: 194.9 MB
  • Price: $4.99
Download on the AppStore
5 out of 5


  • Huge 3D levels and visuals.
  • Amazing detail and special effects.
  • Great mix of platforming and action sequences.


  • Fairly basic combat elements.
  • Camera is automatic and awkward at times.


You might initially balk at the entry fee for Avatar, but this is a game that goes above and beyond for the iPhone that manages to be a pure experience that fans of action games and the movie alike can enjoy.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

It's not surprising that a developer like Gameloft were brought in to bring to life James Cameron's Avatar for the iPhone. For a film that's already critically acclaimed, it was really only a matter of time for game tie-ins to appear.

Gameloft takes care to approach this as something worth playing first and it shows in every aspect of the game itself. Avatar is an action platformer that practically smashes others in the genre. You take control through the use of virtual analogue sticks and two multi-function buttons that change context based on what's happening in the game. Combat is fairly simple using a combination of rapid presses or holding down for alternate attacks, while special attacks can be triggered by a button in the top corner.

Your character can advance his skills by picking up or earning "wisps", but it's more of an incentive to take your time completing levels. Each level is almost breathtakingly huge and packs a level of detail that will punish your iPhone. Framerates can be low, but it's a worthy tradeoff for some of the 3D visuals you'll experience for the first time. The audio is currently a problem with multiple audio sounds cutting off each other or popping into silence.

Gameloft have done a great job of ensuring that this is a game you'll enjoy, even if aren't a fan of the movie. Avatar is definitely a must for all action fans; there's just so much packed in that whether you're fighting on the ground or in the sky you can't help enjoying yourself.


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