The Incident Review

By , on August 11, 2010

The Incident
Download on the AppStore
5 out of 5


  • Strange, unique gameplay concept.
  • Pixel-art style with oodles of objects to pile up.
  • Power-ups? Try power-DOWNS.


  • At times the gameplay feels too passive.


Tilt, jump and survive and have a fun time while finding out just what plagues Earth in The Incident.

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Curiosity is a powerful tool and when leveraged in the right way it can drag players in to a game and keep them sucked in until they're well and truly hooked. The world is falling apart at the seams in 'The Incident' by Big Bucket Software and your poor unfortunate character will need to dodge, push and climb his way out of the ever increasing pile of trash to find out why this is happening.

In each of the game's levels you'll need to dodge junk flung down in to the screen, allowing it to pile up to provide a convenient way to keep climbing. Tilting the screen allows you to move left and right, while jumping is performed with a simple screen tap. Moving and jumping also provide a convenient method for reorganizing the trash once it lands, pushing girders and other large objects around to either fill gaps or provide a handy stepping stone to climb higher up.

The Incident makes use of the increasingly popular pixel-art style, but the real show-stopper is just how many objects Big Bucket Software have programmed in to the game, with each one interacting with other objects fluidly in their simple physics engine. This is where the curiosity hook digs in, making you wonder what you'll see next and before you know it you're on the other side of the game's seven levels.

Whether it's the thrill of escaping a 'death by traffic-cone' or keeping track of all the objects in the game, The Incident is an enchanting experience and an easy game to recommend to all gamers.


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