Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner Review

By , on November 21, 2010

Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner
  • Publisher: THQ Inc.
  • Genre: Action
  • Released: 18 Nov, 2010
  • Size: 166.6 MB
  • Price: $2.99
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • Seamless translation of movement to the visuals.
  • Plenty of intense and iconic battles.
  • Upgrades to play with and turn the tide.


  • No practical alternate control scheme.
  • Live video integration is more gimmick than fun.
  • Difficult to play comfortably outside a home/office.


Using an encompassing 360 degree control system to blast away enemies is as fun and engrossing as it sounds, but this hinges on optimal situations not always present outside your home.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

NOTE: Falcon Gunner requires 3rd gen or higher iDevices to run optimally. Furthermore, we apologize for the lack of a video review for this title; the controls made it all but impossible to film and we are seeking alternative options for demonstrating the gameplay.

I'm not going to lie to you; Star Wars Arcade: Falcon Gunner by THQ is a seriously fun game and one that only gets better if you have the right equipment for it. However, the fun can quickly turn in to mild frustration and eventually annoyed disappointment should you lack the right tools.

In particular, I'm referring to a swivel chair of some variety and an open space to work with. Falcon Gunner is an AR (augmented reality) game and to really get the most out if it you'll need to be able to quickly and comfortably spin 360 degrees while aiming up or down as required. Players can fire either through automatic or manual controls and should spinning around like a maniac not be to your tastes, a variation that requires tilting to 'spin' is also available.

But let me tell you, holding your arms out and swinging them up and down for extended periods is the kind of workout that borders on dangerous for the health of your iDevice. Woe be to the person attempting this on an iPad. However, beyond the basic concerns of the controls Falcon Gunner is immensely absorbing and whether you're blasting ships around your house or around a moon of Endor the movement of the enemies around your ship is seamless.

Sadly, the lack of an alternative non-gyroscope/tilt control system conspires against gamers looking for a fun shooter to play outside the confines of their home and also limits the devices that are compatible with the game. Should the stars align and if you have everything you need, Falcon Gunner is worth checking out, but it's definitely more gimmick than substance.


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