Bomberman Dojo Review
- Classic Bomberman with a bit of a puzzle edge.
- Custom level editor and download tools.
- Catchy musical themes.
- Fails to stand out as a unique release; much the same as any Bomberman minus the multiplayer.
- Little visual variation; locked in to the 'dojo' theme.
Despite almost 30 years of history and some truly creative titles in the Bomberman series, Bomberman Dojo seems content with simply being a middle of the road variation that would have been embarrassing years ago; stick to the Bomberman games you already have.
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Although many Bomberman games by Hudson have a strong single-player focus, the multiplayer aspect has always felt like its true strength. Strangely, Bomberman Dojo is a purely single-player experience, though instead of simply playing against AI opponents or basic monsters you'll be pitting your skills against 50 puzzling stages in order to prove you're the best Bomberman around.
For those not yet initiated, Bomberman pits you against enemies placed in a maze-like screen that's littered with objects that can be destroyed by your bombs. Power-ups affect how your bombs work, from increasing the detonation blast (increasing the length of the explosion down vertical and horizontal paths); increasing the amount of bombs you can place before they're detonated; your movement speed; and even the ability to kick bombs along corridors to place them at a safe distance.
Those familiar with the Bomberman series won't find anything too different about this release as it feels and plays much like any other. The controls are limited to an analogue stick on the left side, with a button to drop bombs on the right side, while a 'detonate' button is in the middle of the bottom of the screen and is used for special remote-controlled bombs.
Ultimately your aim is to make it to the end of the 50th level, however much like a true arcade game you have a limited amount of lives to reach the end. Points are awarded for your speed, accuracy and so on, though these really don't come in to play until you've completed the game and you're ranked against other players. For those looking for a bit of variety, a level editor and level download tool is also available.
For a game series bordering on 30 years old, Bomberman Dojo shows a surprising lack of originality and with only one pixel-art environment on offer you'd be forgiven for thinking this was a port of a long forgotten release. Hardcore fans may find themselves absorbing the title wholesale, but if you already own any other Bomberman title there's really no reason to add this one to the collection as well.