Fetch™ iPad Review

By , on March 21, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 10 months ago

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5 out of 5


  • Packed to bursting with interactive elements; though mostly empty in their purpose, they give the world an intense richness that's lacking in so many other adventure games.
  • Heart warming storyline; finding and rescuing a lost dog is easy to empathize with no matter your age.
  • Extremely fun and novel mini-games littered throughout the game; most are even replayable on demand.


  • No real peaks in challenge; there's a distinct difficulty curve, but nothing taxing.
  • Backtracking can become a chore at times.


Fetch is an adventure title that knows its audience is quite young, but still manages to remain appealing to all ages thanks to its richly designed set pieces and novel series of mini-games.

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Let me start this review by removing those of you who can't get past a game having a low level of challenge - Fetch is aimed at younger audiences, and as such you're not going to find the 'hardcore' experience you may expect of all games. With that said, Fetch by Big Fish Games is the gaming equivalent of a Dreamworks or Pixar movie: despite being designed for younger audiences, adults aren't left out of the equation either thanks to the wonderful story that pulls on your heart strings.

The game ostensibly feels and plays out like an Adventure title, providing a series of point-and-tap interactive screens where light puzzle solving will help you to proceed. However the game quickly offers up an entirely alternative means for progression through the inclusion of brief, but fun 'Flash'-like arcade games that reward the player with items needed to move along the storyline. Once completed the games can be played at any time for the sake of it, though every now and then the game also throws in a mini-game with more of a puzzle edge to it to keep your brain from switching off entirely.

Not that this is a problem thanks to the insane level of detail that has gone in to the presentation of every single screen you encounter. Tap a sign in the background and it may light up, buzz a bit, and return to its neutral state; bubbles will pop under your finger; and trees and bushes will sway. It doesn't add to the game in a meaningful way other than by providing a novel distraction, but it does give the game a richness that pairs well with the game's delightful cartoon visuals.

For those worried that the game is 'too easy', 'hard' modes are available in some of the arcade games, giving you at least a little bit of a run for your money.

Still, you'll marvel as each new area provides you with a wealth of distractions, giving you all the motivation you need to plow your way through to the end of the game's all-too-brief storyline. And it's a beautiful tale too (also one worth sharing with your children if they're age appropriate), making it an easy title to recommend.


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