Rabbids Big Bang Review

By , on October 18, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 4 months ago

Rabbids Big Bang
  • Publisher: Ubisoft
  • Genre: Puzzle
  • Released: 17 Oct, 2013
  • Size: 190.6 MB
  • Price: $0.99
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • Animations are slick and full of personality.
  • Galaxies are pretty.
  • Has a decent number of levels.


  • Missions are tedious and repetitive.
  • Jetpack control system is restrictive and frustrating.
  • Stingy fuel system steers you toward IAPs.


Rabbid Big Bang's good looks and slick animations can't hide its underwhelming flying mechanics and boring missions. 

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

In Rabbids Big Bang, your rabbid astronaut spends an awful lot of time drifting through space hoping to bump into something interesting. Though we're actually talking about the mechanics of this space-based physics puzzler, this description neatly sums up our state of mind as we coasted through level after level, waiting for something exciting to happen.

You take control of two rabbids. One of the floppy-eared psychos has a baseball bat, the other a spacesuit. The batter's sole purpose is to thwack his astronaut pal into orbit. From there, it's up to you to fire the furry spaceman's rocket pack and direct him towards fuel pellets, coins, and mission objectives.

As you work your way through the early levels the galaxy begins to expand, revealing more planets to visit, and interstellar traffic like UFOs and cows. Given that you only have limited fuel reserves, you have use the gravitational pull of planets and moons to generate enough momentum to complete the task at hand.

Which brings us to major gripe number one: The missions are dull.

Though the underlying goal throughout is to collect all the coins, each level has a specific goal. You might be asked to fly a set distance, or orbit a planet a few of times. Sometimes, you'll be asked to crash into a UFO, or collect X number of coins.

The thing is, these objectives are not very satisfying to complete. Doing laps of planets and boosting for 20 seconds is hardly gripping stuff, and you quickly begin to wish for the fling-and-smash catharsis of Angry Birds Space.

Which brings us to the controls. As you have no direct control over your rabbid's orientation, you have to watch him rotate until he's pointing in the desired direction before firing your boosters. There's knack to maintaining an orbital path, but it can be very frustrating to actually get where you want to go.

This annoyance is compounded by the fuel gauge, which runs out far too quickly. If you're nowhere near a fuel blob, then you have the option to buy more fuel with gold coins mid flight. Of course, if you're running low on gold coins, you can always top-up your balance via in-app purchases, something which the game is keen for you to do.

Between the stingy fuel allocation, the haphazard controls, and the dull missions, it's very difficult to recommend Rabbids Big Bang to anyone other than series die-hards. Best to leave this one drifting in the void.


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