Cut the Rope 2 Review

By , on January 7, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Cut the Rope 2
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • New characters bring extra dimensions to the standard puzzle formula.
  • The puzzles themselves are varied and inventive.
  • More visually impressive than ever.


  • IAP system is in flux, and could unbalance the game.
  • Law of diminishing returns is beginning to kick in.


Provided you're still excited by the physics-based fun exemplified by the Cut the Rope series, you should find Cut the Rope 2 an inventive and stimulating addendum to the franchise.

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It's taken Om Nom four games to escape the confines of his various cardboard prisons, but Cut the Rope 2 finally sees him out in the wild, and making new friends. These extra characters and their unique abilities help to define Cut the Rope 2 as more ambitious puzzler with a slightly broader scope. However, the additional gameplay permutations - and new in-app purchase system - also run the risk of diluting the simple but potent formula which made the original game so compelling.

The first thing you'll notice are the visual adjustments. The cartoony quality of the art has been exaggerated, with Om Nom practically a 3D character with cuter, almost anime-style eyes. The wallpaper backdrops have now been replaced with dynamic exterior environments like forests and scrapyards, complete with unique obstacles and even weather conditions.

What truly sets this sequel apart from the other Cut the Rope titles are the Nommies. These five new characters, which are introduced gradually throughout the game, allow you to solve puzzles which Om Nom alone couldn't tackle.

Roto, for example, can carry Om Nom around the screen and drop the green gobbler into strategic locations. There's Blue, who can be duplicated with a simple tap to support structures or create pathways. Most entertaining of all is Lick, a small creature who can fire his tongue like a frog, and create runways for candy, or separate balloons from their sugary cargo.

With Om Nom now able to move, and even be knocked off ledges, the mechanics of the game feel a little looser than before. It's only a subtle difference, and with the puzzle design remaining consistent with the series high standards, it's not an unwelcome change.

Though there used to be a few collectibles - specifically, the four leaf clovers - which could only be attained by purchasing addition balloons via IAPs, Zeptolab has actually updated the game since launch, now letting you unlock the Hidden Level with medals instead of clovers. With this new adjustment, there's no need to visit the virtual shop at all - unless your really want to see Om Nom dressed as a superhero, that is.

Provided you're still excited by the physics-based fun exemplified by the Cut the Rope series, you should find Cut the Rope 2 an inventive and stimulating addendum to the franchise. There are enough fresh tweaks to warrant your interest, and, though it does tamper with fundamentals a little, it still retains its personality. How much further this series can develop remains to be seen. But, for the time being, Om Nom's sugar rush is set to continue.


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