Detective Grimoire Review

By , on January 13, 2014
Last modified 11 years ago

Detective Grimoire
  • Publisher: SFB Games
  • Genre: Adventure
  • Released: 28 Nov, 2013
  • Size: 172.3 MB
  • Price: $2.99
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Charming art style and voice acting keep you engaged
  • Smart and entertaining story
  • Good mix of tasks keep the gameplay varied 


  • Missing a clue on smaller screens can lead to aimless wandering
  • Crashes, freezes, and audio bugs prove frustrating 
  • The fun is over too fast


Though it's a little short and a tad buggy, Detective Grimoire is an entertaining mystery that is elevated by it entertaining art, writing, and voice acting.

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

Mr Remington, owner of the tourist attraction Boggy's Bog, has been found murdered. Now, having assume the role of glib gumshoe Detective Grimoire, it's up to you to solve the mystery behind this untimely death in the charming whodunit from SFB Games.

All is not as it seems when the good detective arrives in the isolated swamp that plays host to the theme park Boggy's Bog. Upon investigating the scene of the crime, you discover that all evidence points to Boggy, a legendary creature that inhabits the area.

Something about this doesn't ring true for our flatfooted hero Grimoire, however, and so he begins to explore the fetid mire for clues. Though it's a simple set up to a murder mystery, the restrained scale of the world and tangled web of the story manages to draw you in.

Each location has clues liberally sprinkled around it. To interact with objects, you simply tap the item you wish to scrutinise. This will either trigger a mini puzzle, or l add a new piece of evidence to the detective's case file. Whatever the case, the result it is guaranteed to bring you closer to the truth.

Interrogating suspects is equally simple. Tapping on character will initiate a dialogue. Once engaged in dialogue, it is possible to ask a number of questions, or present facts to draw more information from your suspect.

Once enough clues are accumulated, you are given the opportunity to piece together statements from the evidence. If you haven’t been paying attention to the story this process can be tricky, but it is vital in unlocking each suspect's final question. 

Bar a few technical hiccups like audio bugs and the odd crash, Detective Grimoire is a fun mystery that left us wanting more, thanks to its entertaining presentation, decent writing, and charming voice acting.


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