Unpossible Review

By , on April 23, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 9 months ago

  • Publisher: Acceleroto
  • Genre: Action
  • Released: 17 Apr, 2014
  • Size: 124.9 MB
  • Price: $1.99
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • Fast paced action
  • Nice neon visuals


  • Few game options
  • Audio leave you feeling detached
  • Not much visual variety


While Unpossible is a handsome beast, and does offer some initial thrills, the disconnect between your unseen avatar and its hazardous surroundings left us cold.

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With the endless genre ever expanding, Unpossible feels like a natural next step. Its fast paced twitch 3D gameplay attaches you to a tube floating in space and proceeds to fling you forward along its twisting length. At times, it feels like a first-person Super Hexagon, forcing you to rotate around a circular core to dodge past various neon blue obstacles.

Fighting for good positioning around the tube’s circumference is vital as you shot along Unpossible’s courses, as the contorted shape hides what lies ahead. The random nature of the courses makes this hugely frustrating at times. Runs of obstacles can force you into positions where nothing of the course can be seen, before unfairly funneling you into your own death with a huge unavoidable wall.

Pre-scripted runs of obstacles help counterbalance this gripe, with some barriers following a predictable layout. Getting a few of these memorised sections in quick succession becomes the most exciting part of Unpossible, as you satisfyingly whizz through the 360-degree gauntlet.

Unpossible’s Tron-inspired visuals provide an frenetic sense of speed. Unfortunately, its audio offers no such illusion. The music maintains the same beat throughout, never altering its tempo to match the frantic onscreen action. Worse still, you never get strong sense of proximity, silently gliding past every barrier in a strangly detached way. 

It is this detachment that stopped us really warming to Unpossible. While it's a handsome beast, and does offer some initial thrills, the disconnect between your unseen avatar and the maze left us cold.


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