Angry Birds Stella Review

By , on September 4, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 5 months ago

Angry Birds Slingshot Stella
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • If you still like Angry Birds, then you'll feel right at home
  • Art and animation is top-notch


  • Doesn't really push the franchise forward
  • Wait timers and adverts are annoying
  • Feminist angle is a bit misjudged


The birds are new and the oestrogen level has been upped, but this is still the same Angry Birds we've been playing for the past half a decade. If that's enough, then you'll probably have some fun in between the wait timers.

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So here we are again. Rovio has released the latest spin on its ever popular Angry Birds franchise. This time, however, the ladies are the stars of the show, with pink bird Stella taking the starring role in a new all-female cast.

As Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater discovers, though, nothing much has changed beneath the game's frosted veneer. This is still Angry Birds, albeit with no dudes and added wait timers. 

Is this a feminist triumph? Or is this a slightly patronising spin-off to encouge young girls to buy pink toys?

Watch the video above to hear the full review.

Read the review transcript over on Pocket Gamer.


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