Anomaly Defenders Review

By , on October 8, 2014
Last modified 10 years, 4 months ago

Anomaly Defenders
Download on the AppStore
4 out of 5


  • Powers, upgrades, and skill trees make this a far deeper tower defence game than most
  • Those Anomaly visuals cannot be beaten
  • Exciting and rewarding combat which keeps you on your toes


  • Falling back on tower defence mechanics makes the game less unique
  • First hour can seem dull if played in easy mode


Sure, it's another tower defence game, but Anomaly Defenders is one of the deepest - and prettiest - TD experiences we've played in ages. 

  • Full Review
  • App Store Info

The Anomaly series made a name for itself by reversing the standard tower defence formula, and putting you in charge of the advancing force you usually find yourself repelling.

However, for Anomaly Defenders, the final entry in the series, the studio has reversed its own genre reversal, ending its tower offence saga with a normal tower defence game.

Has the move unlocked a new dimension to the sci-fi combat favourite, or is Anomaly Defenders one reversal too many? Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater shares his opinion in the video above.


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