Offroad Legends 2 Review

By , on December 1, 2014
Last modified 10 years ago

Offroad Legends 2
Download on the AppStore
3 out of 5


  • Smart visuals
  • Vehicle damage is a nice touch
  • Constantly switching trucks add some welcome variety


  • Track design isn't the best
  • No checkpointing
  • Just another stunt racer which isn't Trials


Though there's enough fun here to warrent fans of stunt racers taking a look, Offroad Legends 2 never really distinguishes itself from the numerous other stunt racers on the market.

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Trials has a lot to answer for. Since the re-emergence of the popular 2.5D stunt racer there have been many similar games released to capitalise on its popularity.

Offroad Legends took the Trials formula, swapped out the stunt bike for hefty 4x4 trucks, and added a few explosions for good measure. Now the sequel has arrived, and Pocket Gamer's Harry Slater has delivered his verdict. Check out of the video above to hear it.


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