Home » Apps with tag 'physics'

Hank Hazard Review

Review 游道易Yodo1 By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 10 months ago
Hank Hazard Review

It's hard to complain about 'yet another cute physics puzzler' when you're talking about a release from Chillingo, the publisher who is almost entirely responsible for the popularity of the concept. As such it's almost no surprise to note that Hank Hazard by Red Rocket Games fits this bill almost exclusively, however behind its cute exterior and 3-star item collection beats a fantastic little title that shares more with classics like Finger Physics than it does with Cut The Rope or Ang…

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Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix Review

Review Replay Games, Inc. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 10 months ago
Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix Review

Vanessa Saint-Pierre Delacroix and her nightmare. Man that's a mouthful isn't it? Still, a title like that certainly breeds curiosity. While the game itself may not be what one expects from the title, the tone certainly is. In a very well told intro we learn that Vanessa is a brainy puzzle loving young girl who feels ostracized from her peers at the schoolyard. One day a strange puzzle box that she acquired from her father's antiquities shop breaks and sucks the entire town inside it.…

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Toy Shot™ Review

Review Com2uS USA, Inc. By Dave Flodine, 12 years, 11 months ago
Toy Shot™ Review

Sometimes all you need for a good game idea is to take an existing game type and add something new to it. Toy Shot takes the flinging physics fun found in such games as Angry Birds and Crush the Castle, wraps it up it up in LEGO blocks and gives you the most unique aiming system we've seen in one of these games yet. Does it make it stand out from the pack however? The aiming system is a bulls-eye, and when you drag your finger out from it, you create a circle with a line. This stays p…

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Greedy Penguins™ Review

Review EA Chillingo By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 11 months ago
Greedy Penguins™ Review

I'm not the first person to point it out, but when did penguins become such a regular theme on the App Store? In any case, Greedy Penguins by Shamrock Games and Chillingo seemingly painted itself in to a corner by choosing to jump in to the 'cute, 3-star physics puzzler' arena and decided to go the whole-hog. Don't mistake this for another Cut the Rope though - while similar concepts are in play, timing your drops to get the right fish to the right penguin isn't as easy as you'd think.…

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Smash Cops Review

Review Hutch Games Ltd By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 11 months ago
Smash Cops Review

There's just something about someone surviving horrible car-crash that seems to draw in a crowd, be it at a sporting event, in a movie or more excitingly in a reality TV show with cops chasing criminals. Smash Cops by Hutch Games taps in to this mental space, placing you behind the wheel of a cop chasing down criminals (amongst other tasks), bullying them off the road to make your arrest. Despite the game's lusciously realistic presentation, not an ounce of reality exists within the g…

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Super Crate Box Review

Review GameClub By Andrew Nesvadba, 12 years, 11 months ago
Super Crate Box Review

Too often gamers bring down the mighty wrath of the collective community down upon a game for being a 'clone'. While sometimes justified (especially if artistic theft is involved), more often than not gamers are simply witnessing the natural progression of any new idea to mass production and eventual refinement in to a genre. Super Crate Box by Vlambeer and Halfbot is arguably the progenitor of its particular flavor and style of arcade action-platforming, but with competitors already m…

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Foodie The Bug Review

Foodie The Bug Review

Foodie plans to travel the world. To make sure his energy levels are up he needs to constantly be snacking on multicolored jelly beans. With plenty of power-ups to boost him along and increase his intake, and an upgrade system to improve his abilities, can you help him reach his goal (which resides at the end of each level)? Upon first glance this looks like another slingshot physics game, but the flinging is only for launch. Once in the air Foodie hovers along with the iPhone being u…

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Snoticles Review

Review [adult swim] By Dave Flodine, 13 years ago
Snoticles Review

Be honest, unless you're a young boy, you probably aren't going to be enticed by four blobs of snot called the Snoticles. We here at AppSpy don't blame you as we were pretty apprehensive loading up this title, despite it being from Adult Swim and the great track record of quality games they've had this year. Boy were we wrong. While it won't set the world on fire, Snoticles is a solid and fun physics puzzle experience. Zit, Dread, Spark, and Snot are the Snoticles and they're here to…

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Tongue Tied! Review

Tongue Tied! Review

Animal lovers beware: Tongue Tied! by Mojo Bones is so insanely, heartwarmingly, saccharin coatedly loveable that you may want to buy it on impulse... don't. Without the incredibly affectionate characters of Mick and Ralph (the tongue-tied doggy-duo), you might just throw your iDevice at a wall, so stay a while and listen before making that final decision. Each of the game's 50 currently available levels is a physics playground with the lovable dogs acting as your tool for point scori…

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Mini Motor Racing Review

Mini Motor Racing Review

Sometimes, despite everything screaming at you saying it's wrong, a game can manage to remain compelling. This is how Mini Motor Racing feels and despite The Binary Mill's best efforts the game is realistically far from perfect... and yet the next level loads up much like the last and the numbers keep going up and up and up. The first thing that grabs you about the racer is its cute aesthetic, with its miniaturized world populated with chubbily proportioned vehicles ranging from Sport…

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Zen Pinball Review

Zen Pinball Review

I'm seriously having flashbacks here - as a child of the 80s and a self-admitted video game nerd, the local video arcades were a veritable haven for me. While pinball games were never my forte, there was a distinct magical allure that came from the newer generation of fancy and complex titles that tried to capture the essence of a franchise, typified by the introduction of Midway's classic Addams Family pinball table. These memories are distinct and powerful, which is why I was surpris…

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Saving Yello Review

Review dreamfab By Dave Flodine, 13 years, 1 month ago
Saving Yello Review

It must be hard to think of intriguing scenarios to justify the stretching physics puzzle gameplay that has become so popular in the last year or so. Yello is sitting in his bowl (he's a fish by the way) when a sinister hand removes him from his home. The rest of the the game is returning to your fishbowl via some rather incredible jumps, all the while grabbing points for raining down destruction on all the toys and structures that stand in your way. To make Yello jump, simply pull ba…

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Bag It! Review

Review Hidden Variable Studios By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 1 month ago
Bag It! Review

I consider my time spent in retail as a sort of front-loaded penance for the rest of my life - anyone who has had to grind away time dealing with humanity on a piecemeal basis will appreciate how it either makes or breaks you, turning you in to a social wizard or a raving lunatic ready to set people on fire. These days self-checkout machines are passing the frustration back to the customer as they attempt to quickly scan and safely pack away their groceries before being yelled at from…

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Corpse Granny Review

Review Bulkypix By Dave Flodine, 13 years, 1 month ago
Corpse Granny Review

Most grannies already have one foot in the grave. One has to wonder if becoming a zombie starts to reverse the aging process. If anything, it might make them more agile in death than they were in life. It's not just grannies that have risen from the grave in this game however. The undead are spreading like a plague, and with a set of well placed fireballs, you can help put them back to rest. Essentially the game is cut the rope. Each level will have zombies to exterminate and fireball…

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Gangstar Rio: City of Saints Review

Review Gameloft By Andrew Nesvadba, 13 years, 1 month ago
Gangstar Rio: City of Saints Review

It hardly bears pointing out that the Gangstar series from Gameloft has taken its inspiration from Rockstar's GTA series, but where previous incarnations of Gangstar were happy to simply ape older generations of GTA, the latest version takes a swing at something entirely new. Unfortunately it's a swing and a miss as no matter how you look at it, Gangstar Rio: City of Saints fails to excite and inspire the same sort of sandbox fun it attempts to emulate. The problems are evident early…

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