Home » Apps with tag 'puzzle game'

Upon loading up Huebrix, I was instantly reminded of one of the great underrated puzzle games of the App Store, Pathpix. In both games you have to drag a color over a predetermined number of squares on a grid to fill in the entirety of the level. While in Pathpix, this presented you with a completed image and a clever quote, Huebrix rewards you by having your color trails turn into sentient worm creatures that slither off the screen, escaping your perception. Of course that's not the o…
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The Curse Review
Personally, if I’m tackling a series of puzzles that increase in difficulty with each successive victory, I’m not sure I want a sinister, yet pompous masked man taunting me and ridiculing my intellect. Still I guess it's my fault for tapping on that suspicious book in the first place, releasing this malevolent figure who might be dangerous if he wasn't so bent on observing my progress to entomb him back within the very pages he had just escaped from after who knows how long…
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Splash !!! Review
As strange as some of the scenarios created for these physics puzzle games are, it's amazing how many of them make the gameplay that follows more bizarre when all they were trying to do was create a context to explain everything going on. In Splash you control a panda riding atop a bubble that can be filled with water. The goal of each stage is to collect the rubber duckies strewn about, and deliver them safely to the wading pool. The reason for all this is that the panda has lost his…
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Bridge The Gap 2 Review
If Bridge the Gap 2 has taught me anything, it's that pirates are capable of only the most rudimentary physical abilities. If you want them to not fall down chasms to their untimely demise, they need the invisible hand of a pirate engineer to place wooden poles, barrels and boxes down so they can not only get to their precious flag, but collect any gold coins along the way. Pirates do love their booty after all. Each level gives you a set number of resources to use, and a limited sele…
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Unlock Review
Have you ever sat down in a restaurant or entered a game shop and there were those clumped puzzles sitting there made out of wood or metal that required you to play around, trying to separate the pieces from each other? Unlock by Miniclip is a virtual representation of that concept. Each level has two or more blocks of varying shape melded together, and by rotating the puzzle, it's up to the player to take the pieces apart and free the monster from his cage. Taking the pieces apart is…
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Pettson's Inventions Review
Pettson and Findus are the stars of a series of successful children's books written and illustrated by Swedish author Sven Nordqvist. Pettson is a strange old farmer and Findus is his cat who walks on two legs and wears green-striped pants. In Pettson's Inventions, Findus wants to be able to fly, but they don't have the necessary parts to launch the frisky feline into the wild blue yonder, so Pettson asks the player if they will help find the parts by crafting other inventions to solve…
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Non Flying Soldiers Review
Just because you're a flightless bird doesn't mean your life is devoid of meaning. If Non Flying Soldiers teaches us anything, it's that with a little help you can be molded into a rough and tumble fighting unit. Unfortunately without that help you'll be walking into electrical currents, but no one said the plan was foolproof. Welcome to a game that revitalizes a puzzle concept not really seen since Lemmings. Each level consists of a miniature obstacle course and it's your goal to get…
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Conceptis Fill-a-Pix Review
[Editor's Note: Apologies for the video being unavailable for so long - YouTube is currently updating their back end again and it seems some features are missing at this time. We've found a work-around for now and hope this won't be an issue again soon!] Earlier we reviewed Prismapix, a puzzle game where the player uses minesweeper-like clues to know what tiles are safe to uncover a picture on and which are not. That game was based on a simpler kind of logic puzzle, and that's exactly…
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PathPix Joy Review
Pathpix Joy is the fourth game in the Pathpix series. What is Pathpix you ask? Well we could tell you to go check out our reviews of the original, but we're going to be nice and tell you here. Pathpix is a favorite amongst puzzle games here at AppSpy. Andrew has made his way through the multiple offerings while all these years later, I'm still playing the original. It's elegant, doesn't require too much straining of your brainy lobes, and upon completion of a level, offers not only the…
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Connectrode Review
Now recently Connectrode has been in the gaming press because Shay Pierce the developer, was the one team member of OMGPOP who did not accept employment when Zynga recently bought the company, and this game is partially behind his decision. We just wanted you to know why we're reviewing it, but besides this back-story, the rest of the review is going to focus on the game and whether or not it is deserving of a purchase. This is a variation on the match three genre. Well perhaps that's…
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English Country Tune Review
This game came to our attention via an article in the New Yorker about ultra difficulty in games. In some ways its easy to see why English Country Tune was one of the focuses of the piece. What we have here is an abstract puzzle game with little to no direction, that should appeal to hardcore puzzle aficionados. What about the rest of the gaming populace however? Well you may be intrigued by what's on offer here. The first world of the game, 'larva' revolves around putting the spheric…
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Circadia Review
When Circadia loads up and you find yourself staring at the title screen waiting for something to happen, tap on the colored dot. That small interaction is all you need to know for this minimalistic puzzler. OK, well it's not everything you need to know, but let's call it at least two thirds. Tapping a colored dot will send out a ripple of color and sound. When that ripple hits the white dot, the next stage unveils itself. That's just the beginning however. Soon enough two colored dot…
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Cavorite 2 Review
I bet you thought that after the first Cavorite, Dr. Cavor escaped from the moon with his anti-gravity formula and made his way back home safe and sound. Not when there's a sequel to make! Running out of fuel, the good doctor makes an emergency lunar landing and goes to work in the moon's caverns to find enough gems to finally get off this tide-controlling rock for good. If you've played the first game, you should know what you're in for. Each level is a small puzzle that is based aro…
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TwinGo! Review
Sometimes two people are inseparable. You've seen it in real life when your friends fall in love and suddenly your friend becomes merged with their partner creating some strange sort of amorphous twin. As a videogame mechanic however it can be quite creative and provide a nice base for plenty of perplexing puzzle gameplay. This is what Twingo has to offer. It's you goal to use the power of swiping to guide Fuyu and Natsu to their respective colored pads at the end of each level. The c…
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Fairway Solitaire by Big Fish Review
When starting up a game called Fairway Solitaire, the name suggests a lot. “OK”, you think. “Somehow they've combined solitaire with golf. This should be interesting”. Then you're hit with a cheerfully animated introduction about the age old war between golf and gophers before being thrown into a puzzle game with not only intriguing mechanics, but plenty of personality. Not every course in this game (and there are many on offer) is eighteen holes, but the basic…
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