Top 3 iOS Games for January 2013

By , on February 11, 2013
Last modified 11 years, 11 months ago

I hate playing the catch-up game, but with this extended dry spell of a release period, I guess there's no harm in clearing our backlogs. In the least it's made for a far more comprehensive list to choose from for January, so lets find out who topped the charts in's Top 3 iOS Games for January, 2013.

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Table Top Racing (Playrise Edge) $2.99 Univ.

Look, I may be the only one who played Table Top Racing and put it down without losing an iota of excitement from the hype, but even without my personal bias the game is a solid entry in to the 'Kart' genre. The key to its success is its simplicity; there's no bloat to weigh it down, so you can jump in, enjoy a race or two, and jump out with a smile on your face.

Might & Magic Clash of Heroes (Ubisoft) $4.99 Univ.

I always feel a little bad when an already popular game from another console manages to make it big on the iOS platform. Still, with imitators trying to muscle in on Clash of Heroes' territory the developers had no choice but to showcase their superior product on the App Store. Performance issues aside, it's a wonderful adaption of in incredibly unique tactical RPG concept.

Editor's Pick - Joe Danger (Hello Games) $2.99 Univ.

Where Clash of Heroes was content with copying its title to the App Store without change, Joe Danger by Hello Games went one step further by completely retooling its gameplay to suit the iOS platform. As a result the game lost its Trials HD / Bike Baron style free-roaming, but it gained a multi-tasking based system to test your skills in brand new ways. Smooth controls, beautiful presentation and addictive gameplay makes this an easy Top Pick for the month.

Not satisfied? How about branching out with the Swing King and his physics-puzzler-come-skill-shooter gameplay (bonus points for the epic beard); Temple Run 2 has to be mentioned, if only because it refines (though fails to seriously expand) upon its formula, making it the best pick up for those new to the series; Time Surfer turns up the challenge on the Tiny Wings concept, making it an auto-runner worthy of those who eschew 'casual' titles; and in a first, we have to once again warn everyone about the abomination that is Final Fantasy All The Bravest - seriously, don't do it... not even once.

That wraps up another month of titles worthy of your attention. Want them, but can't afford them right now? Head to our site and track them for price drops - you even get a handy email notifying you when it's below your threshold. For everything else you can keep track of us via Twitter and Facebook. Until next time, have fun!

Additional Links:
Joe Danger Review -
Table Top Racing Review -
Might & Magic Clash of Heroes Review -
Swing King Review -
Temple Run 2 Review -
Time Surfer Review -
Final Fantasy All The Bravest Review -