Home » Articles and Reviews by 'Andrew Nesvadba'
Bullet Time HD Review
Free games tend to fall in to one of two categories if you excuse the usual subset of 'trial' games from the mix: They're either incredibly polished and ready to bite down on your wallet at every opportunity they gets, or they're a cheap attempt at harvesting ad revenue with simple and overplayed clones. Now that I've made my overly simplistic generalization for the day I can only point a finger in disgust at Bullet Time HD for one major reason: It has contributed to ruining gamer's e…
Watch The Video ReviewExtraction: Project Outbreak Review
One thing that never fails to amaze me about having so many developers trying their hand at breaking in to the iOS market is seeing the creativity that comes from adversity. One of the defining features of the platform is its touch screen, but it can be as much a curse as a boon. Twin-stick shooters have reached an almost amicable middle-ground of 'it works, but isn't perfect' situation, but developer ShortRound have broken out of the box with their latest work for publisher Chillingo…
Watch The Video ReviewFriday News Wrap-Up 18 November 2011
Additional Links:War on Terror Teaser - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRRG5SgsCkgBeat Sneak Bandit Teaser - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hORt7ZgQqMSimogo - http://simogo.com/Game Book Adventures - http://gamebookadventures.com/Pah! - http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pah!/id423321842?mt=8Blueprint 3D Review - http://www.appspy.com/blueprint-3d-review…
Minecraft – Pocket Edition Review
Like so many others I have spent my time with and enjoyed playing Minecraft on my PC. While there are debates about whether it is a 'game' in the strictest of terms, there's no denying the sense of satisfaction that comes from setting a goal and working your way towards it. However, Minecraft - Pocket Edition... ... well there's no other way to say it other than "it's simply the free java browser version for your iOS device of choice," and this alone wouldn't be so bad, but it's also…
Watch The Video ReviewElder Sign: Omens Review
It's hard to be a fan of board games and not be aware of US based publisher Fantasy Flight Games; not only have they worked with some of geekdom's most treasured franchises, but they've delved in to the dark depths that is the Lovecraftian Mythos and produced some truly chilling games. One of their latest is a standalone card game dubbed 'Elder Sign' and iOS gamers can now get their hands on a digital version tweaked for the platform under Elder Sign: Omens. The premise is a simple on…
Watch The Video ReviewBlueprint 3D Review
Solving a jigsaw puzzle is a pastime that has survived for generations and may well continue to see its appeal in to the future as fans of the simple time-waster test their observation skills to match and piece together beautiful images one jagged piece at a time. Blueprint 3D by FDG Mobile Games pushes the limits of the concept by taking imagery and blowing it up in to dozens, if not hundreds of fragments ballooned out in to a 3D space and it's up to you to reassemble it in mere secon…
Watch The Video ReviewFlick Home Run ! Review
Sometimes you want nothing more than an excuse to waste time and fill the dull moments in the day with something more interesting than what's happening around you. This could be called antisocial behavior, but sometimes you don't want to try to make friends with the smelly shirtless guy riding the bus with you. Insert Flick Home Run! by infinity pocket; an arcade-style home run title that proves to be addictive mostly thanks to its satisfyingly simple, but visceral controls. All you n…
Watch The Video ReviewJanryumon PLUS (Mahjong) Review
Janryumon by NCSoft is simultaneously the most amazing and the most frustrating game I've played on an iOS device and this includes games I've either praised like a gibbering fan-boy or scalded for mistakes that go beyond basic flaws. This is because Janryumon is a client to play Reach Mahjong online against other players around the world, but more importantly the gameplay behind Mahjong is so rich - is so complex - that unless you are practiced in the game already, you WILL fail and f…
Watch The Video ReviewEPOCH. Review
When small indie game studios boast about their prior professional experience it's generally a PR move to inspire confidence in what they're presenting. What really counts is the final product and in the case of Uppercut Games and their release of EPOCH., the experience and polish that comes from their years in the industry really shows in almost every aspect of the game. You play as an AI controlled robot (think slightly less horrifying than a Terminator, but no less deadly) with a m…
Watch The Video ReviewAsteroids: Gunner Review
The original Asteroids by Atari is easily recognizable as one of the forefathers of Arcade gaming that has eventually led to common genres like the twin-stick shooter. The fact that the iOS ended up with such amazing titles like Space Miner: Space Ore Bust and Meteor Blitz by restoring some of the classic formula only goes to show how far-reaching the concept came to be. With Atari celebrating Asteroids 30th year out of the Arcades (the Atari 2600 first saw the game in 1981), it'…
Watch The Video ReviewEvertales Review
Evertales by Crescent Moon Games and Thunder Game Works sounds like the perfect storm of experience developer, experienced publisher and a great concept as the two companies seek to bring a Trine-like experience to the App Store. However, much of the game can be characterized by a pervading sense that everything has been cut short just before anything interesting happens, making it tease of a relatively short game. Each of the game's six worlds are split in to two stages, ended firstl…
Watch The Video ReviewGangstar Rio: City of Saints Review
It hardly bears pointing out that the Gangstar series from Gameloft has taken its inspiration from Rockstar's GTA series, but where previous incarnations of Gangstar were happy to simply ape older generations of GTA, the latest version takes a swing at something entirely new. Unfortunately it's a swing and a miss as no matter how you look at it, Gangstar Rio: City of Saints fails to excite and inspire the same sort of sandbox fun it attempts to emulate. The problems are evident early…
Watch The Video ReviewQI's Top 10 iOS Games For October
It's only appropriate after recently updating a few of our reviews to assess just what you and reviewers around the world voted for as the best iOS games for October 2011. For the first time in a while I had absolutely NO problem at all with our Top 3 picks of the month, but with our buddies over at QI doing all the hard work of collating the numbers from the wider online gaming sphere, it's a snap to see what the highs and lows really were. Quality Index's Top 10 iPhone Games for October 2011 1. Bike Baron (8.7) 2. Modern Combat 3: Fallen Nation (8.7) 3. Worms Crazy Golf (8.6) 4. Mage Gauntlet (8.6) 5. …
Review Updates: Kard Combat, Flip Riders, Muffin Knight and Dungeon Defenders
One of the wonderful things about the App Store is that it provides an opportunity for developers to refine their games as time goes on, often to the point of a game hardly resembling what was released in the first place. As such we've had a look at the following titles and we've given them the nudge they deserve as they remain relevant thanks to listening to their respective communities. (Some of the reviews are taking their sweet time to update correctly - they have been edited, please be patient!) Kard Combat (Hothead Games) One of the major weaknesses of Kard Combat when it was released was its lack of customization - something further exascerbated by only having a handful of mages to…
Free Codes For Squids Up For Grabs!
If you're a fan of Turn-Based Strategy titles and cute cephalopods then you might have taken notice of our recent review of The Game Baker's game Squids. Like many games around the holiday season, the game was updated with some spooky features along with a handful of bug fixes, but with November already in full swing what's really important is saving up money for the next holiday. Thankfully we've got three codes to give away for those hoping to pinch their pennies and it couldn't be easier to enter! We'll be placing a message on our Twitter feed soon and all you need to do is follow and retweet for your chance to win. Don't have Twitter? Register an account for AppSpy.com and leave a shor…