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A Steel Media round-up for the week of January 29th

Feature By Christian Valentin, 7 years ago
A Steel Media round-up for the week of January 29th

AppSpy is only one facet of the larger network that makes up Steel Media, and all manner of interesting and informative articles made their way to pages of our sister sites. This weekly features highlights some of those stories. Over on our YouTube page, you can find a helpful tips video for the recently released card game-roguelike hybrid Meteorfall; keep that advice in mind and you’ll be a monster-slayer master in no time at all. Emily Snowden on Pocket Gamer shined a light on the isometric puzzler Valleys Between, a game about carefullly molding and managing life in an gradually expanding world. Meanwhile on Android Rundown, the adventure game Broken Sword received a retrospect…

Hidden Gem of the Week: Good Fences

Feature By Christian Valentin, 7 years ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: Good Fences

Good Fences is an unasssuming little gem of a puzzler for iOS and Android, the kind you might not give a thought at a glance due to its simple aesthetic and mechanic that are hard to get across in screenshots. This geometric brain-teaser takes a very simple concept and wrings over a hundred challenges of shape placing and rotating out of that central mechanic. Take a look at that screenshot below, that is Good Fences at its simplest. Every stage presents you with a shape, and it's your job to surround it with copies of that same shape. It's such a basic seed of a puzzle concept, where even a less-complex shape can prove to be a tricky prospect to surround due to how corners and sides might…

Hidden Gem of the Week: Ending

Feature By Christian Valentin, 7 years, 1 month ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: Ending

Aaron Steed's Ending is a minimalist roguelike stripped of all the fluff and filler, exposing a challenging game of life and death decisions and strategic planning, where one wrong move can destroy you. Inspired by chess and board games, Ending casts you as a lowly @ sign, in a maze of dangerous ruthless enemies. Each symbol moves in a specific way or has a special purpose, from moving two spaces in a turn to only being able to attack from a certain direction or firing projectiles. When you move, they move, and one hit is enough to destroy you...or for you to end them. There in lies Ending's strategic gameplay: it's a game where every move must be considered, where you need to think five…

Hidden Gem of the Week: Blackbar / Greyout

Feature By Christian Valentin, 7 years, 1 month ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: Blackbar / Greyout

Sometimes it can be easy to forgot the power of words can play in games. Often words are merely relegated to mere UI indications or the names of cool new loot. Dialogue, flavor text, and logs of lore remind us of their importance, while the text adventures and 80 Days of gaming show us how effective well-crafted prose can be But outside of text adventures and word games, fewer still focus on blending the words themselves with the gameplay. Perhaps the most recent examples I can think of are Device 6's use of text to mirror the described environment and Type Rider's platforming journey through the history of typography. Blackbar and Grayout are two word games that use their text to tell thei…

Hidden Gem of the Week: RYB

Feature By Christian Valentin, 7 years, 1 month ago
Hidden Gem of the Week: RYB

This is the first in a weekly series of features dedicated to highlighting interesting, lesser known hidden gems across iOS and Android. With the sheer volume and rate of new releases, it can be easy for a game to unnoticed, unseen; some here may be newer or older, but all are engaging in their own unique way. Picross, Paint It Back, Minesweeper, Hexcells. There’s something uniquely satisfying about a logic puzzler, perhaps how one can solve their challenges without guessing or mistakes, through pure deduction. RYB falls squarely in this category, a Picross-style puzzle game that eschews numbers and grids for colors and geometric shapes. Squares, triangle, hexagons, and other sha…

Everything you need to know about Antihero for iPhone and iPad

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
Everything you need to know about Antihero for iPhone and iPad

Feels like only yesterday it was Wednesday. Probably because it was. Now it's Thursday, and that means it's time to give you the low down on the one new game on the App Store that you should definitely be playing this week. It's fair to say that it hasn't been the most exciting week for releases, but that's always the case in the post Christmas lull. Still, there has been some wheat among the chaff, including the really rather excellent game I'm going to recommend to you today. As usual, click on the emboldened name of the game below to download it. And if you'd like to share your own, no doubt very deep and meaningful, thoughts, feel free to do it in the comments section at the bottom of…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of December 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of December 2017

Here we are then, the last part of our look back at 2017 in mobile gaming. And, as usual, December was chock full of awesome games that you should definitely have already played. Don't worry if you haven't though, because we've provided links to download them. If this list has proven anything, I think it shows that mobile gaming has something to offer everyone. From incredible, mesmerising experiences, to small, more intimate stories. Here's hoping that 2018 can deliver the same. Oh, and make sure you keep coming back to AppSpy in the new year, because we're going to cover it all. That's right, ALL OF IT. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of November 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of November 2017

Okay, we're in the penultimate part of our round-up of the best games of the year. It's November now, we all remember some stuff that happened in November, right? I think I went over there, probably. I definitely had a lovely sleep or two. Tomorrow we're going to hit the games of December. In the meantime though, if you've not checked out the other parts of this series, poke the links below to check them out. And then we'll put this all to bed tomorrow. Lovely, lovely bed. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 Click here to read…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of October 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of October 2017

Here we are then, the tenth part of our look back at the best iOS games of 2017. We're into the autumn months now, so I hope you've packed a jumper. I mean it's nearly January so you're almost certainly wearing a jumper anyway. As before there's a bunch of links below that'll take you to the other parts of the series. Join us for the next part tomorrow, when we'll be looking at the best games that hit the App Store in November. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 Click here to read the best games of May 2017 Click here to read…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of September 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of September 2017

Welcome back to the ninth chunk of our look back at the best games that came out on the App Store this year. We're into September. The leaves are starting to change colour. I mean, I know we're not and they're not, but I'm just trying to set the mood. There are links below to all of the other parts of the series so far, there's some great games in those lists. Seriously. Tomorrow we're going to be up to October. October is probably spooky, I don't know. My brain is turning into mush. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 Click he…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of August 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of August 2017

And we're up to August 2017 in our round-up of the best games of the year. August was warm. Or it might have been cold. I don't really remember. It was a long time ago, a lot has happened since then. I think I spent most of the month asleep in hotels. Anyway, you can click below to check out the rest of the parts of this series. I hope you do, I've put a lot of work into this. Come back next week and we'll go back to school with September 2017. Surely I must remember something that happened then. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of July 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of July 2017

We're over half way through our round-up of the best games that came out in 2017. It's July now, you were probably wearing sunglasses in July. I wore sunglasses for the entirety of July. It made doing my work very difficult. You can find the rest of the months we've covered below. Tomorrow it'll be August. It's my birthday in August. I very much doubt that that's going to make it onto the list, but who knows? Stranger things have happened. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 Click here to read the best games of May 2017 Click…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of June 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of June 2017

Here we are half way through our look back at the best games that came out on the App Store this year. By my guess that means we're up to June. I think that's how the calendar works, and I can't really be bothered to check. You can check out all the rest of the retrospective by clicking on the links below. And tomorrow we'll be up to July. Who in the hell remembers what happened in July? I don't, so I guess we'll find out together. Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 Click here to read the best games of May 2017 June 2017 Mon…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of May 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 1 month ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of May 2017

In part five of our round up of the best games that came out on the App Store this year, we're going to look at May. I mean, it's the fifth month of the year, it'd be pretty insane to look at anything else really. Missed the other bits of our retrospective? Well you're going to have to have a look at the links below then, they're going to sort you right out. Tomorrow? Well tomorrow we're going to have a look at June aren't we. Have you not been paying attention? Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 Click here to read the best games of April 2017 May 2017 Guns of Boom Quit…

The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of April 2017

Feature By Harry Slater, 7 years, 2 months ago
The AppSpy end of year awards: The 3 best games for iPhone and iPad of April 2017

We're up to April in our round up of the best games that came out on the App Store this year. That's a pretty exciting fact. I mean, it's not really, but I'm just trying to fill up space. I'm pretty tired if I'm being honest. If you've not seen other articles in the series, you can click on the links below to check them out. And be sure to come back tomorrow to find out what the best games of May 2017 were. You don't want to miss out and not be able to join in the conversation with your buddies, right? Click here to read the best games of January 2017 Click here to read the best games of February 2017 Click here to read the best games of March 2017 April 2017 Get Me Outta Here A sup…