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Carmageddon Review
When you have cars, a race-track and checkpoints, your first assumption is generally that the game you're playing is a racer. If we were to forget about Carmageddon's colorful history, you'd likely approach the game like any other, but you'd be playing it wrong. See, it's not that you can't race to the finish line, but rather that it's not the most profitable, be it for your in-game piggy bank or for your more intangible emotional piggy bank. Some days you just want to tear something a…
Watch The Video ReviewFunky Smugglers Review
Imagine you have to rush a bunch of Brazil-bound Coconut Jugglers through a terminal and on to their plane, only to find that they're harboring dozens of contraband items on their body. You'd be upset too, but thankfully in Funky Smugglers you can pluck those items out of their 'hiding spots' without a moment's hesitation, thwarting the efforts of those who would seek to breech the security of the airport. You're given 'three' attempts at failing before your game is over in Funky Smug…
Watch The Video ReviewCatch-22 Review
It's very rarely the name of a game captures the entire spirit of the experience, but every now and then things work out that way. A catch 22 for those not in the know is kind of a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' situation, where taking one course of action might have dire consequences, but then the other option really doesn't put you in that much better a position. Interesting that such a nerve wracking scenario translates to what can be described as a zen gaming experience.…
Watch The Video ReviewPolara Review
We've seen men that can switch gravity almost on a whim; all manner of traps and obstacles; and that unmistakable feeling of dread as things spiral out of control despite the utter simplicity of the controls you're handed. Polara by Hope This Game Works is the buffet-feast of endless runners, packing together ideas we've seen before, but somehow managing to give them all a fresh twist thanks to a color-switching mechanic. Lara is in the unenviable position of having to escape from a h…
Watch The Video ReviewTopia World Builder Review
[This title was featured as the Mini Review for the Friday News Wrap-Up for the 12th of October, 2012] This isn't so much a game as it is an open-ended toy of sorts. Topia World Builder is a risky release from Crescent Moon Games and Solid 60, but there's method behind the madness. With news of the game appearing around the same time as From Dust on the XBLA, it touted some impressive features, many of which have been realized in this current version. Although mostly a free-play tit…
Watch The Video ReviewKumo Lumo Review
The humble cloud is not often considered a harbinger of war or an avatar of suffering, but in the land of Kumo Lumo you play the almost perpetually smiling angel of death. Wait? No one else got that vibe? You mean it's just a cutesy light-action title with lots of grinding? No matter how you play it, Chillingo and Blitz Games' latest certainly has an interesting concept. The basic gameplay goes a little like this: The world below Kumo can be scrolled along with a swipe. Kumo himself c…
Watch The Video ReviewCrazy Taxi Review
I feel like a powerful force is trying to show us, the lowly gamer, the stark difference between two driving-based games from 1999 and their subsequent re-release on the iOS platform. Where Re-Volt may be the subject of fond memories, its gameplay (though not its level design) was ultimately average. However, Crazy Taxi by SEGA remains just as balls-to-the-wall madcap as ever, placing you in control of an out-of-control taxi driver around a virtual homage of San Francisco. Whether you…
Watch The Video ReviewTentacles: Enter the Dolphin Review
2012 must be the year of the tentacle (which sounds like a great sequel to the famous Lucasarts adventure game). How else can you explain not one but two highly unique, and successful games based about an octopus’ numerous noodly appendages? Tentacles: Enter the Dolphin, made by Microsoft Studios, out of all unlikely developers is a tale of a lab created abomination named Lemmy, who is swallowed by his creator, the mad scientist Dr. Phluff (who has the head of a dolphin), and has…
Watch The Video ReviewRe-Volt Classic Review
Not everything is better the second time around - sure we can point to the many 'Karting' titles of the 90s, including greats like the Micro Machines series, but it's 2012 and you'd hope the formula would have changed by now. Re-Volt was, for its time, a fun and frantic 3D racer with a toy's-eye-view of the world, but with little changed since its release the title feels like it hasn't fared well over time. After picking from the initial set of unlocked vehicles the player is able to…
Watch The Video ReviewGrow Away! Review
The rodents and pests of the world have run out of junk food to eat, so now they're after the plants and vegetables. What's a tomato to do? Taking a page out of the Angry Bird playbook they jump in to a slingshot and fire themselves - kamikaze style - in to the waves of creatures headed for their barricade. Grow Away! by Soco Soft is a disturbing concept when you break it down, but seeing as it's all colorful explosions and cute faces, I guess we can let that tid-bit slide. Essentiall…
Watch The Video ReviewDead Stop™ Review
Dead Stop is a combination of two overplayed elements of the App Store. The first is the use of zombies, and the second is creating a game type similar to that of a very popular title. In the second case, the tower defense genre has waned in popularity the last couple of years, and if a game is good, who cares if it uses the undead? Dead Stop has these rationales working in its favor, delivering a solid TD experience that happens to feature zombies as its main antagonizers. The zombie…
Watch The Video ReviewSnail Bob Review
Some would argue that the iOS platform is always going to be a casual one - of course there's the occasional 'hardcore' release, but with so much money to be made off those who just want a quick, but fun distraction, it's easy to see why deep and challenging titles aren't more common. Snail Bob is yet another 3-star physics puzzler, joining the already large fray, but it goes for that third, even more elusive market, the young-gamer. Snail Bob just wants to get home, but on the way he…
Watch The Video ReviewLegend of Fat Ninja Review
Developers, if you call your game Legend of Fat Ninja, I expect to see a fat ninja. Not just a hearty ninja which is what we have in this offering. The main reason is after graduating from the Iron Skillet Academy, Fat Ninja is on a quest to find the best ingredients possible, but also to crush the competition with his nin-jitsu. This is accomplished by pinballing around the level like a loon, and would be a lot more amusing if our character was just a little heavier. If wishes were ho…
Watch The Video ReviewAmbi-ON Review
Ambi-On is the tale of controlling a parasite eradicating device used to purge the gas shafts of this planet mining operation. Accomplishing this task plays like a mix of Breakout and Pong, as you paddle an orb back and forth, collecting credits, and triggering explosions until the orb explodes itself and you end up failing your mission, only to take those credits, upgrade your device and try again. Not the most efficient way I could think of to clear out parasites, but there you go.…
Watch The Video ReviewBurrito Bison Review
Last year we had the absolute joy of being able to play Juicy Beast's disgustingly fun classic GOBTRON on the iOS platform, but it wasn't long after its release that fans asked, 'Where's Burrito Bison?'. At long last the developer has paired up with Ravenous Games to release their luchadore-bison bouncing; gummy-bear squishing; city-smashing Flash hit to the App Store, but is it too little too late now? The App Store, and indeed the free-Flash game market itself, is redolent with game…
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