Crack out the Comic Book Combos in Fury Unleashed

By , on February 9, 2022
Last modified 2 years, 11 months ago

Awesome Games Studio has announced they are bringing out an iOS port of its 2020 action roguelike Fury Unleashed. The port will drop on March 24th and will bring the unaltered hectic action of the original straight to mobile.

Playing the role of the hero from the eponymous comic book series, the player explores pages of their comic book complete with the smash, bosh and snikts you could want, all in the name of finding out why comic creator John Kowalsky is having a creativity crisis and taking it out on his creation.

Taking inspiration from icons of the genre such as Metal Slug and Dead Cells, the screen will often be crammed full of bullets, explosions and general nefarious pixels with the sole aim of sending players back to square one with their tails between their legs. To make up for the constant gunshot wounds, Fury Unleased rewards good gamesmanship with some permanent upgrades to make subsequent tries last a bit longer. Which is a good thing, since as expected the comic book pages change upon each playthrough so there's also a new corner for enemies to pop out from.

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Speed is essential, as Fury Unleased leans on its score system to dish out its rewards, and what better way to increase a score then by racking up those c-c-c-combos? By learning how each enemy fights and killing them in quick succession without taking much damage, the combo number will rapidly hit those dopamine-releasing digits and grant the hero damage resistance and healing powers. Players will even be able to team up with a friend and add even more bullets to the hectic hellscape.

The game includes a variety of customisation options for ways to play. Easy mode will give full control over the difficulty parameters, whereas Hard mode will offer a bigger challenge, and beating it will unlock Incredible and Legendary mode for those sadists among us. The blood and gore is also togglable, so even the youngest of humans can enjoy getting their spirits broken over and over again.

Fury Unleashed is available to preorder now on the App Store for $8.99.