Error300 has announced the launch of Mosaic Chronicles for mobile. Having already been on Steam in Early Access, the mobile version will comprise of the first story, A Bit of Horoscoping, from the PC version before also releasing the second story, The Lucky Knot, at a later date.
Mosaic Chronicles is a story-driven puzzler where players must manipulate pieces of glass in order to create a mosaic. These mosaics present a visual retelling of the novels written by Olga Gromyko, starting with A Bit of Horoscoping, which is a story of courage, love, luck and the importance of reading skills. Once all the puzzles have been solved, the full narrative can be viewed uninterrupted with the storybook-like Gallary, which sounds like a lovely way to get some more book reading done.
When discussing the mobile port, Error300 Games Director and Designer, Marina Makarewska said: “Mosaic Chronicles on mobile just makes sense. It’s so satisfying to be able to move and rotate pieces using the touchscreen. We’re starting with ‘A Bit of Horoscoping’ to make sure we get the basics right. It’s looking like that’s the case, so stay tuned for a number of content and functionality updates in the near future.”
Error300 is a relatively new video game developer, having only formed in 2020. Based in Dublin, Ireland the studio was founded by Marina Makarewska, artist Rafal Chalupnik and programmer Dominik Kawka. The team has grown to consist of six self-professed game fanatics “who strive to create fun, entertaining games they want to play themselves”. Despite only being around for around two years the studio has already produced multiple mobile games, including other puzzlers such as Tangram Collection and Bulbs 2.0.
Mosaic Chronicles is available to download now on Google Play and the App Store. The app itself is free to play with ads, or there is a one-off payment available to disable them.