In an unannounced and unexpected move, KIXEYE has released a celebration event for four years of live service for their real-time tactical PvP game Rise of Firstborn. Closely following the recent release of the major Night Queen’s Titans update, KIXEYE is showing new and returning players with a wide range of free content.
Throughout May, the game will receive a slew of highly-anticipated changes and additions, as well as a bevvy of free gifts for players. As part of the update, KIXEYE has released a special Defensive Equipment set called Overwhelm, a limited set only available through playing and not on the store. The Hospital and Barrack building have also received updates, allowing the structures to reach level 100. On top of this, there are several new Alliance Castle Skins to obtain, as well as a buff to Pets which can now have enhancement bonuses up to level 30.
Finally, starting May 12th, Rise of the Firstborn will be invaded by the dreaded and most likely delicious 4th Anniversary Cake Monster for a limited time. By hunting down this delectable dessert diety, players will receive a host of delicious rewards.
When discussing the event, KIXEYE Coo Ryan Ward said “This Anniversary celebration comes hot on the heels of Night Queen’s Titans. But it was just the beginning of the content we have planned for Firstborn in the weeks and months ahead.”
“We’re thrilled to be celebrating four years of building kingdoms and forging alliances with this update and to be able to add so many changes and additions that our community has been asking for. We’ve got big plans for the game, and we’ll soon be talking more about the next major update as well!”
Rise of Firstborn is available to download free now on Google Play and the App Store.