Steve Jackson announces new digital version of smash hit game Munchkin

By , on September 5, 2022
Last modified 2 years, 4 months ago

In one of the most exciting announcements for board game enthusiasts in recent memory, Steve Jackson and Dire Wolf have announced a digital adaption of the worldwide smash hit Munchkin, coming to Steam and mobile this Fall.

Whilst you could probably argue whether Munchkin is a board game or a card game, it doesn’t really matter, whatever it is it makes for a tremendously fun session with friends. Or make those ex-friends, as one of the core mechanics of the game is pulling the rug from underneath other players at the most damaging moments.

All Players start at level 1, and the aim of the game is to reach level 10 first by any means necessary, be that with cooperative play or destroying everyone else's game, but the humour is so lighthearted that everything is more of a laugh than a devastating loss of time. Characters can be buffed by equipping weapons, armour, races and classes to help them in battle.

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The most common way to level up and gain items is by battling enemies such as the dreaded Potted Plant. Each enemy has a level that a Munchkin must exceed to beat via a combination of their own level and their item buffs, however, this is where other players can be a help or a hindrance. They can either offer to assist by adding their level to the current combatants or can use their cards to buff the monster or even add a second to the fight to prevent the current fighter from winning. Timing is key to these decisions and is endlessly fun.

The digital version of Munchkin will offer Cross-platform between devices, as well as online multiplayer. For those new to the game, worry not, for there are a dungeon-delving tutorial and Solo Challenges to get to grips with the rules of the game.

There has been no concrete release date given beyond Fall of this year, with a release on both iOS and Android.