Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier spotlights the humble Chocobo in latest update

By , on October 5, 2022
Last modified 2 years, 3 months ago

Ateam Entertainment Inc has plumbed the depths of depravity lately, taking one of the most rage-inducing mini-games in Final Fantasy history, and adding it to Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier.

Whilst most fans of the Final Fantasy series will look back and remember the first PS2 entry, Final Fantasy X, as a near-perfect masterpiece, there is one part of the game that will send shivers down spines; the Sun Sigil. This required racing a Chocobo tamer whilst collecting enough balloons to achieve a time of 0.00 seconds, as seagulls moving at the speed of sound dive bombed and stunlocked the player. And now, Ateam Entertainment has chosen to raise the blood pressure of gamers all over again by introducing Chocobo Time Trials.

The latest update to The First Soldier sees Chocobo Time Trials being spread out throughout the map as gates. When passed through, the clock starts and players will have 30 seconds to race through all the checkpoints. This introduction will shine a light on the game's Chocobo breeding and raising system, as a better-raised Chocobo will obviously grant a better chance at success, and the courses will involve some jumping and flying, so it isn’t all based on speed.

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Completing these trials will earn players a variety of awards from the new limited-time challenges, which include up to 50 Special Shinra Pack tickets. To help with creating the perfect Chocobo to smash the challenges with, a login bonus will give away Chocobo feed to aid in the raising.

Finally, it is not all about the Chocobos, as the season of spook has descended upon Midgar. Halloween-Themed skins have been added to the store, and include a vampire-inspired coat, as well as a bomb-inspired mage outfit to collect.

Final Fantasy VII The First Soldier is available to download now on the App Store and Google Play.