Revived Witch is marking its first anniversary with a two week-long celebration

By , on November 8, 2022
Last modified 2 years, 2 months ago

Revived Witch is officially turning one this month and has kicked off a two-week-long celebration to honour the anniversary. Players who log in will be inundated with many free gifts, as well as being able to generate their own unique Anniversary Poster.

Anyone that logs in between November 8th and November 22nd will receive a Large Soul Cryolite on the first day, followed by extra gifts such as 1000 Souls, Stamina Elixirs and a special 1st Anniversary Avatar Frame. In addition, on November 11th, the official launch date, everyone will receive 10 free rolls, more Stamina Elixirs and some more surprise rare items.

For those that want to work for their loot, the Shard of 1st Anniversary event will be available to take part in, which will reward those who complete the special anniversary missions with Souls and Stamina Flasks. If anything, will all the Stamina Flasks it is a perfect time to strengthen up any lagging characters.

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A newly introduced character will also be landing during the celebrations. The UR Doll Sanva, Spirit of Lethe, is the deliverer guarding the entrance of the Underworld. As a Saltstone Guardian Sanva acts as a tank, using the power for the Lethe via her inky umbrella to protect her friends. She can absorb all damage whilst generating a solid shield. For offence, she can deal wide damage to foes whilst restoring her health and cleansing all debuffs, making her a superb damage sponge.

Revived Witch has also launched an Anniversary Event Page to celebrate the past year, showcasing all the adventure data and fun stories that have been had. Excitingly for fans, players can check their own adventure data, and use it to generate themselves a unique anniversary poster which is pretty cool. By then sharing this on Twitter and Facebook, a draw will be entered with a chance to win in-game rolls and assorted merch.

Revived Witch is available to download free from the App Store and Google Play.